genusgenusElegant tropical plants characterized by their pristine white flowers, which consist of a distinctive hooded spathe surrounding a protruding spadix. These evergreen beauties produce glossy, lance-shaped leaves that grow in elegant clusters from the base of the plant.
The name combines the Greek words 'spatha' meaning 'broad blade' or 'spathe,' and 'phyllon' meaning 'leaf,' referring to the distinctive blade-like bract that surrounds the flower spike.
Interesting fact!
The white flowers are not actually petals but modified leaves called spathes that protect the true tiny flowers clustered on the spadix, demonstrating nature's clever architectural design.
All species of Spathiphyllum
spathiphyllum friedrichsthalii
Giant peace lily, Narrow peace lily, Long leaf peace lily.
spathiphyllum silvicola
Giant peace lily, Woodland peace lily, Forest peace lily.
spathiphyllum wallisii
Dwarf peace lily, Mini peace lily, Power Petite.
spathiphyllum cannifolium
Giant peace lily, Narrow leaf peace lily, Long leaf spathiphyllum.
spathiphyllum schomburgkii
Giant peace lily, Tall peace lily, Long-leaf spathiphyllum.
spathiphyllum blandum
Mini peace lily, Petite peace lily, Dwarf peace lily.
spathiphyllum montanum
Mountain peace lily, Narrow leaf spathiphyllum, Mountain moon flower.
spathiphyllum floribundum
Snowflower, Flowering peace lily, Compact peace lily.
spathiphyllum phryniifolium
Narrow leaf peace lily, Wavy leaf peace lily, Rippled peace lily.
spathiphyllum wendlandii
Petite peace lily, Mini peace lily, Narrow leaf peace lily.
spathiphyllum cochlearispathum
Giant peace lily, Spoon leaf peace lily, Mexican peace lily.
spathiphyllum patinii
Petite peace lily, Narrow leaf spathiphyllum, Mini peace lily.