genusgenusTropical woody plants characterized by their compound leaves that can range from delicately lacy to boldly serrated patterns. These versatile plants naturally grow as shrubs or small trees, featuring foliage in various shades of green, sometimes with cream or golden variegation.
The name 'Polyscias' comes from Greek 'poly' meaning 'many' and 'skias' meaning 'shade' or 'umbrella,' referring to the numerous leaflets that create a canopy-like appearance.
Interesting fact!
Their adaptable nature allows them to be sculpted into intricate shapes through careful pruning, making them popular choices for traditional Asian topiary art.
All species of Polyscias

polyscias cumingiana
Ming aralia, Lacy aralia, Parsley aralia.

polyscias crispata
Ming aralia curly, Parsley aralia, Chicken gizzard plant.

polyscias filicifolia
Ming aralia, Fern leaf aralia, Fernleaf polyscias.

polyscias guilfoylei
Variegated geranium aralia, White-edged aralia, Lace aralia.

polyscias balfouriana
Balfour aralia, Shield aralia, Miniature umbrella tree.

polyscias scutellaria
Shield aralia, Dinner plate aralia, Balfour aralia.

polyscias pinnata
Ming aralia, Feather aralia, Balfour aralia.

polyscias fruticosa
Ming aralia, Parsley panax, Ming tree.