genusgenusDiverse group of compact plants characterized by their round or oval leaves that grow in distinctive patterns along delicate stems. These adaptable plants come in various leaf shapes and sizes, often featuring unique textures and patterns that make them visually intriguing.
The name 'Pilea' comes from the Latin word 'pileus,' meaning 'felt cap' or 'small hat,' referring to the cap-like shape of the female flowers in many species of this genus.
Interesting fact!
Despite belonging to the nettle family, these plants have evolved to be completely stingless, making them perfectly safe and friendly houseplants.
All species of Pilea
pilea pumila
Clearweed, Coolwort, Richweed, Canadian clearweed.
pilea libanensis
Waterfall pilea, Silver sparkles, Cascade pilea, Silver falls.
pilea depressa
Baby tears, Depressed clearweed, Creeping Charlie, Tiny buttons.
pilea nummulariifolia
Creeping Charlie, String of coins, Money vine, Round leaf creeper.
pilea involucrata
Friendship plant, Moon valley plant, Panama plant, Quilted pillow plant.
pilea spruceana
Silver sparkle pilea, Norfolk pilea, Aluminum plant, Silver splash pilea.
pilea glauca
Silver sparkles, Grey artillery plant, Silver sprinkles pilea, Blue creeping charlie.
pilea grandifolia
Giant friendship plant, Large leaf pilea, Watermelon pilea, Giant money plant.
pilea mollis
Velvet pilea, Soft friendship plant, Moon valley plant.
pilea serpyllacea
Creeping Charlie, String of coins, Trailing pilea, Baby tears pilea.
pilea microphylla
Artillery plant, Artillery fern, Gunpowder plant, Baby tears.
pilea peperomioides
Chinese money plant, Pancake plant, Pass-it-along plant, UFO plant, Sharing plant.
pilea peperomioides 'white splash'
Splashed UFO Plant, Confetti Pilea, Speckled Missionary Plant.
pilea peperomioides 'mojito'
Splashed UFO Plant, Spotted Friendship Plant, Confetti Pilea.
pilea peperomioides 'sugar'
Sugar Sprinkles Chinese Money Plant, Confetti Pilea, Sugar Splash Plant.
pilea cadierei
Aluminum plant, Watermelon pilea, Silver splash, Polka dot pilea.